This is an example of a testimonials template with hover animations, designed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap framework 4. CSS styles and images are imported to the code with the URLs. The testimonial cards take a rotate animation in a hover event. The body of the form is given a background color of #E9EAEA.The header of the form is given the styles of color as black, and text-shadow as 2px 2px 2px violet. The testimonial cards are given the styles of as 24%, height as 550px, border-radius as 10px, background-color as white, display as inline-block, margin-left as 15px, and box-shadow as 15px 8px 15px brown. The profile images are given a border-radius value as 50% to get the circle shape. The profile names are given a font-size as 20px, font-weight as bold, and font color as darkblue. The location is displayed in the font color of darkorange, whereas the content is given a font-size as 18px, and font color as darkslategrey. In a hover event, the background color of the cards turns to aquamarine, while the cards take a transform effect of rotate(-10deg), to imply the rotate animation. The animation duration is set to 3s. Source:
This is an example of a testimonials template with hover effects, designed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap framework 4. CSS styles and images are imported to the code with the URLs. The body of the form is given a background color of #E9EAEA. The header of the form is given a font color as chocolate, and a text-align style as center. Media quarries have been used to increase the responsiveness of the form. The testimonial cards have the styles of width as 24%, height as 550px, border-radius as 10px, background-color as white, display as inline-block, margin-left as 15px, box-shadow as 5px 5px 5px gray, top as 40px, and left as 11%. In a hover event, the testimonial cards take the background color of cadetblue. The profile images are given a border-radius value as 50% to get the circle shape. The profile names are given a font-size as 20px, font-weight as bold, and font color as darkblue. The location is displayed in the font color of darkorange, whereas the content is given a font-size as 18px, and font color as darkslategrey. Source:
Inceptos deserunt mollitia aliquam quidem lectus, optio primis sed earum conubia convallis, amet natus lobortis
This is an example of a collapsible comment section, designed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap framework 4. JavaScript functions are used to implement the collapsible feature. The form consists of a hidden comments section, which can be revealed by clicking on the comment link. It is also given a button to add new comments. The data-target attribute with the data-toggle="collapse" method has been used in HTML to implement the collapsible function for the comment section. The user image is imported to the code with its URL. The body of the form is given a background color as #eee. The number of comments section has a cursor style as pointer to get the hand cursor effect, as well as a text-decoration as underline. The badge is given the background color as orange and font-size as 11px. The gray dot is given a style set of height and width as 7px, margin-top as 3px, background-color as #bbb, border-radius as 50% to get the circle shape and display as inline-block. Source:
This is an example of a collapsible Like, Comment, and Share section, designed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap framework 4. The image is imported to the code with the URL. The data-target attribute with the data-toggle="collapse" method has been used in HTML to implement the collapsible function of the form. The body of the form is given a background color as #eee. The form is designed to reveal a comment section if the comment link is clicked, or reveal the list of social media icons if the share link is clicked. The date section is given a font-size as 11px, whereas the comment text is given a font-size of 12p. The font color of the user names is set as #007bff. The font color of the Like, Comment and Share links turn to blue, in a hover event. The cursor style for the links is set as pointer to get the hand cursor effect in a hover event. The social media icons are given background colors accordingly. Source:
This is an example of a collapsible accordion, designed using CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap framework 4. The form is designed to reveal the hidden text in a panel, on a button click. The form consists of six panels. An accordion button with the data-target attribute has been used to implement the collapsible feature of the accordion by using the data-toggle="collapse". The expanded panel is given a background color as #4385f5, and line-height as 24px. The non-expanded panel has the styles of color as #999999, background-color as #fff, display as block, padding as 12px 20px. The content section of the expanded panel is given a text size of 14px, whereas the expanded panel title is given a font-size as 16px. When expanded, the color of the text gets changed to #fff. The content section of the expanded panel is also given the styles of font-family as 'FontAwesome, width, and height as 21px, display as block, border-radius as 50% and text-align as center. Source:
This is an example of a Signup form with an auto carousel testimonials feature, designed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap framework 4. The concept of Lists has been used with UL and LI components. UL element has been used with the child elements of LI to display the carousel indicators in an orderly manner. The body of the form is given the styles of color as #000, height as 100%, and background-color as #EEEEEE. The testimonial card is given the styles of border-bottom-left-radius and border-top-left-radius as 20px, background-color as #512DA8, height as 100%, color as #fff, padding-left and right as 13%. The input fields of the signup form, have the styles of border as 1px solid light grey, border-radius as 10px, margin-bottom as 25px, margin-top as 2px, width as 100%, box-sizing as border-box, color as #2C3E50, and font-size as 14px. The signup button is given a background color of #512DA8, which changes to #311B92 in a hover event. Source:
This is an example of a testimonial carousel with previous and next preview, designed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap framework 4. The CSS styles and user images are imported to the code with their URLs. JavaScript functions have been used to implement the carousel features whereas media quarries have been used to increase the responsiveness of the form. The body of the form is given the styles of font color as #000, height as 100%, and background-image as linear-gradient(180deg, #1E88E5, #fff). The testimonial card is given a box shadow as 0px 4px 8px 0px #BDBDBD. The owl dots are given a background color of #1E88E5, which changes to #0D47A1, in a hover event. The testimonial cards take a transform effect of scale(0.8), with the transition duration of 0.3s, and change the opacity value to 0.6, in the event of sliding. Source: